Hill Country Randonneurs Austin, Texas

Quick and Dirty 1200
About Us
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PBP 2003 Ride Report  
PBP 2007 Ride Report 


Hill Country Randonneurs is an organization to promote randonneuring throughout central Texas.   Come join us for some great scenery, enjoyable company, and pleasurable rides.  

Our special member of the month is .   Please congratulate them next time you see them.

Below is a list of the brevets currently on the calendar. The dates and times below are the correct ones. If you see a different date on one of the other pages, it just means it has not been updated (sometimes our crack admin staff misses things).

Get the latest news and updates by joining the Hill Country Randonneurs Google Group.

If you want to organize and run a brevet, we just need 2 weeks notice to add it to the calendar.

As usual, anyone is welcome to ride, but you do need to join RUSA . All rides have on-line signups. Just click on the link for the ride you want and press the sign up button. there is a $5.50 charge for each ride to cover the cost of insurance. Texas hill country is waiting for you! If you have any questions, feel free to email me at jeffreyanewberry@gmail.com.

HCR - Changing the world one pedal stroke at time!

Note: Same day sign-ups are allowed.

Brevet Ride Schedule:

Distance Date Start Time Start Location Brevet Type Name Organizer

To learn more about randonnering, try the Randonneurs USA website.